// DOM /* * Icon list (from Font-Awesome and Material-Design-..) : * Flight: " " * Car: " " * Bike: " " * Walk: " " */ /* * Takes the selected text and calls main() */ function checkHighlight() { if (queried >= 4) return; if (weknowhome != true) { return; } var text = ""; // TODO: Understand this! if (window.getSelection) { text = window.getSelection().toString(); } else if (document.selection && document.selection.type != "Control") { text = document.selection.createRange().text; } if (text != "" && text.length < 50 && text != lastQuery) { queried++; main(text); ga('send', 'event', 'body', 'highlight', text, queried); if (queried >= 4) { setTimeout(function(){displayLimitAlert();}, 2000); } } } /* * Main function * @params: txt - Selected text */ function main(txt) { //console.log(" " + latsrc + "," + lonsrc + " " + home + "\n" + maxWalkSpd + " " + (maxWalkTimeH*60+maxWalkTimeM)/60.0 + " " + maxWalkDist + " " + maxWalkTimeH+":"+maxWalkTimeM + "\n" + maxBikeSpd + " " + (maxBikeTimeH*60+maxBikeTimeM)/60.0 + " " + maxBikeDist + " " + maxBikeTimeH+":"+maxBikeTimeM + "\n") var text = txt; lastQuery = text; var dest = text; // Query Distance Matrix (Courtesy: Google) $.ajax({ type:"GET", url: "/distance?lat="+latsrc+"&lon="+lonsrc+"&dst="+dest, success: function(data){ data = JSON.parse(data); //console.log(data); var rows = data['rows'][0]; var elements = rows['elements'][0]; var status = elements['status']; var dst = data['destination_addresses'][0]; var src = data['origin_addresses'][0]; // No possible way to drive to destination; Fly! if(status == "ZERO_RESULTS") { var latdst = -1; var londst = -1; // Query Geocode (Courtesy: Google) $.ajax ({ type:"GET", url: "/geocode?dst="+dest, success: function (dstdata) { dstdata = JSON.parse(dstdata); //console.log(dstdata); latdst = dstdata['results'][0]['geometry']['location']['lat']; londst = dstdata['results'][0]['geometry']['location']['lng']; //console.log(latdst + " " + londst + "\n" + latsrc + " " + lonsrc); var flightTime = getFlight(latdst, londst, latsrc, lonsrc); var flight = " " + flightTime + " hour"; if (flightTime != 1) { flight+="s"; } // Call display function alertUser(src, dst, "", flight, "", "", 0, 1, 0, 0); } }); } // There is a possible way to drive else if (status == 'OK') { var dist = elements['distance']; var dur = elements['duration']; // Set Text var car=" " + dur['text']; var flight=" "; var walk=" "; var bike=" "; // Walking && Biking (Max: 3hours) if(dist['value']<=Math.max(maxWalkDist, maxBikeDist)) { // Walking var walkTime = dist['value']/(maxWalkSpd); var wH = walkTime|0; var walkHour; if(walkTime < 1.0) { walkHour = " "; } else if(walkTime <2.0) { walkHour = " " + wH + " hour"; } else { walkHour = " " + wH + " hours"; } var wM = Math.ceil((walkTime-wH)*60); var walkMin = " " + wM + " min"; if(wM != 1) { walkMin += "s"; } walk += walkHour + walkMin; // Biking var bikeTime = dist['value']/(maxBikeSpd); var bH = bikeTime|0; //console.log(bH); var bikeHour; if(bikeTime < 1.0) { bikeHour = " "; } else if(bikeTime <2.0) { bikeHour = " " + bH + " hour"; } else { bikeHour = " " + bH + " hours"; } var bM = Math.ceil((bikeTime-bH)*60); var bikeMin = " " + bM + " min"; if(bM != 1) { bikeMin += "s"; } bike += bikeHour + bikeMin; // Priority Display // Add check for max times for bike and walk if(wH <= maxWalkTimeH && wM <= maxWalkTimeM) { alertUser(src, dst, car, flight, bike, walk, 3, 0, 2, 1); } else if(bH <= maxBikeTimeH && bM <= maxBikeTimeM) { alertUser(src, dst, car, flight, bike, walk, 2, 0, 1, 3); } else { alertUser(src, dst, car, flight, bike, walk, 1, 0, 2, 3); } return; } // If no biking or walking if(dur['value'] < 7200) { alertUser (src, dst, car, flight, bike, walk, 1, 0, 0, 0); } else { var latdst = -1; var londst = -1; // Query Geocode (Courtesy: Google) $.ajax ({ type:"GET", url: "/geocode?dst="+dest, success: function (dstdata) { dstdata = JSON.parse(dstdata); latdst = dstdata['results'][0]['geometry']['location']['lat']; londst = dstdata['results'][0]['geometry']['location']['lng']; //console.log(latdst + " " + londst + "\n" + latsrc + " " + lonsrc); var flightTime = getFlight(latdst, londst, latsrc, lonsrc) flight += flightTime + " hour"; if (flightTime != 1) { flight+="s"; } // Priority Display if(dur['value']<36000) { alertUser (src, dst, car, flight, bike, walk, 1, 2, 0, 0); } else { alertUser (src, dst, car, flight, bike, walk, 2, 1, 0, 0); } } // Success Function (Geocode) }); } // Duration > HH:02 } // Found driving time else { ; // status == "NOT_FOUND" } } // Success Function () }); } // main() /* * Finds width for mode of transport display */ function findWidth (a, b, c, d) { var sum = a+b+c+d; return (sum == 10) ? "four" : (sum == 6) ? "three" : (sum == 3) ? "two" : "one"; } /* * Reset function */ function resetBodyClass () { document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0].className = document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0].className.replace(/\bone\b/,''); document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0].className = document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0].className.replace(/\btwo\b/,''); document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0].className = document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0].className.replace(/\bthree\b/,''); document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0].className = document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0].className.replace(/\bfour\b/,''); } /* * Displays the limit alert */ function displayLimitAlert() { document.getElementById("try").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("trialdone").style.display="block"; document.getElementById("install").style.display = "none"; document.getElementById("installpl").style.display = "block"; } /* * Displays the information on a beautiful sliding div at the bottom of the screen */ function alertUser (src, dst, car, flight, bike, walk, priority_c, priority_f, priority_b, priority_w) { var map_link = "https://www.google.com/maps/dir/"+src+"/"+dst; dst = "
"; var widthOfEachMode = " "+findWidth(priority_w, priority_b, priority_f, priority_c); var text = dst; var show_link = " Route"; show_link = ""; text += "
"; car = "
"; flight = "
"; bike = "
"; walk = "
"; // Add the display to (var)text according to priority text += (priority_c == 1) ? car : (priority_f == 1) ? flight : (priority_b == 1) ? bike : (priority_w == 1) ? walk : ""; text += (priority_c == 2) ? car : (priority_f == 2) ? flight : (priority_b == 2) ? bike : (priority_w == 2) ? walk : ""; text += (priority_c == 3) ? car : (priority_f == 3) ? flight : (priority_b == 3) ? bike : (priority_w == 3) ? walk : ""; text += (priority_c == 4) ? car : (priority_f == 4) ? flight : (priority_b == 4) ? bike : (priority_w == 4) ? walk : ""; text+="
"; text+= show_link; // Display Text var a = document.createElement("div"); a.innerHTML = text; a.id = "Wector" a.style.position = "fixed"; a.style.bottom = "0"; a.style.left = "0"; a.style.width = "100%"; a.style.background = "rgba(0,0,0,0.9)"; a.style.color = "white"; a.style.font="menu"; a.style.fontSize = "16px"; a.style.border="0"; a.style.borderRadius="0px"; a.style.zIndex = "2147483648"; a.style.textAlign = "center"; a.style.display = "none"; // Remove display on click a.onclick = function () { lastQuery = ""; $(a).slideUp("fast", function() {document.body.removeChild(a);}); } var previous = document.getElementById("Wector"); if (previous == null) { resetBodyClass(); document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0].className += widthOfEachMode; document.body.appendChild(a); $(a).slideDown("fast", function () { var setHeightTo = $("#address").height(); document.getElementById("info").style.lineHeight = setHeightTo+"px"; document.getElementById("links").style.lineHeight = setHeightTo+"px"; //fix for corner case websites: var ourBar = $("#address").width() + $("#info").width() + $("#links").width(); var wholeScreen = $(this).width(); if (Math.abs(1.03*ourBar - wholeScreen) > 5) { document.getElementById("address").style.width = "36%"; document.getElementById("info").style.width = "48%"; document.getElementById("links").style.width = "16%"; } }); document.getElementById("links").onclick = function () {window.open(map_link, "_blank");}; setTimeout(function(){$(a).slideUp("fast", function(){if (document.contains(a)) document.body.removeChild(a);});}, 6660); // 6.66Os } else { $(previous).slideUp("fast", function() { document.body.removeChild(previous); resetBodyClass(); document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0].className += widthOfEachMode; document.body.appendChild(a); $(a).slideDown("fast", function () { var setHeightTo = $("#address").height(); document.getElementById("info").style.lineHeight = setHeightTo+"px"; document.getElementById("links").style.lineHeight = setHeightTo+"px"; //fix for corner case websites: var ourBar = $("#address").width() + $("#info").width() + $("#links").width(); var wholeScreen = $(this).width(); if (Math.abs(1.03*ourBar - wholeScreen) > 5) { document.getElementById("address").style.width = "36%"; document.getElementById("info").style.width = "48%"; document.getElementById("links").style.width = "16%"; } }); document.getElementById("links").onclick = function () {window.open(map_link, "_blank");}; setTimeout(function(){$(a).slideUp("fast", function(){if (document.contains(a)) document.body.removeChild(a);});}, 6660); // 6.66Os }); } } /* * Initialses the home of the viewer by using geolocation */ function initializeHome () { document.getElementById("inst").innerHTML = "Creating a demo specially for you! "; ga('send', 'event', 'div', 'tried'); if (navigator.geolocation) { navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(showPosition, showError); } else { document.getElementById("inst").innerHTML = "It looks like your browser doesn't allow us to get your location :("; document.getElementById("inst").style.cursor = "auto"; } } /* * Shows error message if geolocation is disabled */ function showError(error) { console.log(error.code); document.getElementById("inst").innerHTML = "Oops, something went wrong. Your browser didn't tell us where you are :("; document.getElementById("inst").style.cursor = "auto"; } /* * Starts the demo */ function callAwesome () { document.getElementById("inst").innerHTML = "Awesome! Now highlight any of these places to find out how far they are from you:"; document.getElementById("inst").style.cursor = "auto"; document.getElementById("places").style.display = "block"; document.getElementById("inst").onclick = function () { return; } $("html, body").animate({ scrollTop: $(document).height()-$(window).height() }); } /* * Shows other three local locations in the demo */ function getMore (latsrc, lonsrc, airport) { $.ajax ({ type:"GET", url: "/nearby?lat="+latsrc+"&lon="+lonsrc+"&word=*&rad=15000", success: function (data) { data = JSON.parse(data); var places = []; var j = 0; for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) { var x = data['results'][j]['name']; j++; if (x != airport) { var change = "p"+(i+1); document.getElementById(change).innerHTML = x; } else { i--; } } callAwesome(); }, error: function (err) { callAwesome(); } }); } /* * Shows Airport on p4 in the demo */ function showAirport(latsrc, lonsrc) { $.ajax ({ type:"GET", url: "/nearby?lat="+latsrc+"&lon="+lonsrc+"&word=airport&rad=50000", success: function (data) { data = JSON.parse(data); if (data['results'].length == 0) { getMore(latsrc, lonsrc, ""); return; } var airport = data['results'][0]['name']; document.getElementById("p4").innerHTML = airport; getMore(latsrc, lonsrc, airport); }, error: function (err) { getMore(latsrc, lonsrc, ""); callAwesome(); } }); } /* * Displays the places to demo the extension */ function showPosition(position) { latsrc = position.coords.latitude; lonsrc = position.coords.longitude; maxWalkSpd = 5000; maxBikeSpd = 14000; maxWalkTimeH = 0; maxBikeTimeH = 0; maxWalkTimeM = 30; maxBikeTimeM = 30; maxWalkDist = (maxWalkSpd)*(maxWalkTimeH+maxWalkTimeM/60.0); maxBikeDist = (maxBikeSpd)*(maxBikeTimeH+maxBikeTimeM/60.0); weknowhome = true; if (latsrc && lonsrc) { showAirport(latsrc, lonsrc); } else { showError(null); } } /* * Calculates flight time by using preset formula */ function getFlight (lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2) { var distance = haversine(lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2); var slowDistance = Math.min(distance, 300); var remDistance = distance-slowDistance; var slowTime = slowDistance/400; var cruiseTime = remDistance/800; var totalTime = slowTime+cruiseTime; return Math.ceil((totalTime*100)/100); } /* * Haversine function to calculate "great-circle" distance between two points * src: http://www.movable-type.co.uk/scripts/latlong.html */ function haversine() { var radians = Array.prototype.map.call(arguments, function(deg) { return deg/180.0 * Math.PI; }); var lat1 = radians[0], lon1 = radians[1], lat2 = radians[2], lon2 = radians[3]; var R = 6372.8; // km var dLat = lat2 - lat1; var dLon = lon2 - lon1; var a = Math.sin(dLat / 2) * Math.sin(dLat /2) + Math.sin(dLon / 2) * Math.sin(dLon /2) * Math.cos(lat1) * Math.cos(lat2); var c = 2 * Math.asin(Math.sqrt(a)); return R * c; } // Start of custom_content_script.js /* Global Variables */ // Getting home location var weknowhome = false; // Home var latsrc; var lonsrc; var home; var hasSet; // Max Values (in meters/hr, HH, MM, meters) var maxWalkSpd; var maxBikeSpd; var maxWalkTimeH; var maxBikeTimeH; var maxWalkTimeM; var maxBikeTimeM; var maxWalkDist; var maxBikeDist; // Stores the last text highlighted var lastQuery = ""; // Stores the number of times location has been searched var queried = 0; // Start our magic! document.onmouseup = checkHighlight; document.ontouchend = checkHighlight;